STORE HOURS: Friday - Saturday: 10:30 - 5:00, Sunday: 12:00 - 4:00, or by appointment ~ 1415 Bayard Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
Importers of antique and reproduction pine furniture from Great Britain and Europe
STORE HOURS: Friday - Saturday: 10:30 - 5:00, Sunday: 12:00 - 4:00, or by appointment ~ 1415 Bayard Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
301.213.5496 CONTACT US
ABOUT OUR SEATING "Come in, sit down" you say when you offer your hospitality. In every room you need somewhere to sit. A bench in the entryway, chairs around your tables, a form at the foot of the bed. Here you will find our selection of things to sit on. | “When fortune calls, offer her a chair.” Yiddish proverb |
Set of Three Painted Pine Children's Chairs (24VJL130)
$395.00 |
Windsor Side Chair (CHW23)
$240.00 |
Mission Side Chair (CHM26)
$240.00 |
Louis XV Side Chair (CHLXV17)
$300.00 |
Pair of Painted Pine Plank-Seat Chairs. (24VJL107)
$395.00 |
"X" Back Side Chair (CHX25)
$255.00 |
Painted Pine Chair (19VJL74e)
$150.00 |
Comb Back Side Chair (CHCB19)
$195.00 |
Napoleon Side Chair (JLR67)
$195.00 On Sale! |
Sheafback Side Chair (CHSHB05)
$295.00 |
Windsor Side Chair (CHW21)
$240.00 |
Set of Four Plank Seat Ladderback Chairs (27VJL65)
$995.00 |
Painted Beechwood Chair (18VJL6548)
$170.00 |
Pair of Painted Rush Seat Ladderback Side Chairs (FC02)
$295.00 On Sale! |
Windsor Arm Chair (CHW22)
$295.00 |
Napoleon Arm Chair (CHNAP10)
$365.00 |
Pine and Beech Storage Bench or Settle (27VJL62)
$1,695.00 |
Painted Pine Camel-Back Bench or Settle (27VJL27)
$1,595.00 |
Painted Pine Paneled Bench or Settle (27VJL24)
$1,595.00 |
Painted Pine Storage Bench or Settle (26VJL84)
$1,895.00 |
Pine and Oak Paneled Bench or Settle (27VJL7)
$1,595.00 |
Pine and Oak Storage Bench or Settle (27VJL5)
$1,695.00 |
Painted Pine and Oak Bench or Settle (27VJL9)
$1,595.00 |
Pine Painted Stool (18VJL65051)
$125.00 |
Pine Painted Stool (18VJL65052)
$120.00 |
Painted Pine Kitchen Stool or End Table (AJS12)
$135.00 |
Walnut Adjustable Stool (AJS16)
$295.00 |
Pine Stool (2FD124h)
$110.00 |
Oak Angler's Folding Stool (JLR70)
$295.00 |